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Richard D. McNeil (Plaintiff)
The Queen (Defendant)
Trial Division, Rouleau J.—Ottawa, April 30 and September 15, 1986.
Income tax — Income calculation — Relocation allowance for social disruption and accommodation differential paid to air traffic controllers transferred out of Quebec — Relocation to relieve tension, threat to air safety due to intolerance of francophone controllers towards certain colleagues — Trans ferred controllers to live out of Quebec and give no press releases — Whether allowance taxable income — Whether income from office or employment as "other remuneration" Whether deemed remuneration — Whether employer- employee relationship or collateral arrangement source of payment — Whether recipients rendering service or performing duty for employer by moving — Whether "other benefits of any kind" — Purpose of legislation to tax perks — Reim bursement different from allowance — Taxpayer failing to prove actual loss covered by social disruption allowance — That portion of relocation allowance to be included in income — Income Tax Act, S.C. 1970-71-72, c. 63, ss. 5(1), 6(1)(a),(b) (as am. by S.C. 1974-75-76, c. 26, s. 1), (3), 248(1).
Public service — Labour relations — Department of Trans port — Francophone air traffic controllers at Dorval intoler ant of certain colleagues — Adopting militant attitude — Air safety jeopardized by tension in tower — Relocation of anglo- phone controllers to quell potential labour relations catas trophe — Relocation allowance for social disruption and accommodation differential authorized by Treasury Board Whether payment taxable income.
The plaintiff was a fluently bilingual employee of the Department of Transport who worked as an air traffic controll er at Dorval Airport. In December, 1976, he was transferred to Ottawa. The reason given for this transfer was the accelerated implementation of bilingualization at the air traffic control towers in Quebec. In truth, certain personnel, though bilingual, were not welcomed by the francophone group at Dorval. Air safety was threatened on account of the high degree of tension in the tower. To defuse the situation, the Department of Transport offered, among three options, to relocate the anglo- phone employees. The plaintiff chose that option.
Treasury Board authorized an Air Traffic Control Linguistic Relocation Allowance to compensate for higher housing costs in other parts of the country (Accommodation Differential Allow ance) and for the social disruption (Social Disruption Allow ance). In return, the air traffic controllers were required to execute an undertaking whereby they agreed not to live in the Province of Quebec, not to make press releases, and agreed to remain at their new destination for five years. The plaintiff received an Accommodation Differential Allowance of $15,571 and a Social Disruption Allowance of $2,155.41.
The Crown's position is that the entire Relocation Allowance constituted taxable income pursuant to subsection 5(1), para graph 6(1)(a) or subsection 6(3) of the Income Tax Act. This is an appeal from a Tax Review Board decision upholding that assessment.
Held, the appeal should be allowed with respect to the Accommodation Differential Allowance, but not as to the Social Disruption Allowance.
The issue is whether the sum received by the taxpayer should be considered as "other remuneration" within subsection 5(1) of the Act, as "deemed remuneration" pursuant to subsection 6(3), as a benefit arising by reason of an office or employment under paragraph 6(1)(a) or as an allowance for unexempted personal or living expenses.
The allowance is not "other remuneration" within the mean ing of section 5. Dictionary definitions and case law both emphasize a connection between the rendering of service and payment of the amount before compensation is to be considered income from an office or employment. The payment herein did not arise by virtue of the contract of employment. It was paid pursuant to a special, collateral arrangement between employer and employee. The scheme was designed to indemnify transfer ring employees for a capital loss and to quell a potential labour relations catastrophe.
The amount received cannot be deemed, pursuant to subsec tion 6(3), to be remuneration for the purposes of section 5. The taxpayer has met the evidentiary burden of proof required of him to displace the presumption: he has established that the amount does not fall within paragraph 6(3)(c),(d) or (e). Money paid as an incentive to compensate for a capital loss brought about by an involuntary transfer while remaining in the employ of the same employer and providing no economic benefit to either party is not caught by subsection 6(3).
Nor is the amount a benefit received in respect of, in the course of or by virtue of an office or employment within the meaning of paragraph 6(1)(a). The Crown has failed to estab lish that the payment was made in relation to the plaintiff's office or employment; in essence, it was made in order to avoid a potential labour dispute and directed to the plaintiff as a person rather than as an employee. The plaintiff has no choice in accepting the transfer. The motivation was political and in no way related to company policy, skill upgrading or career advancement.
Although it may not be necessary to make a finding as to whether the payment constituted a benefit, this appears to be an appropriate case in which to examine the meaning of the phrase "benefit of any kind whatever" as used in paragraph 6(I)(a) of the Act. This provision is intended to provide a method to tax perks received in addition to salaries. It is not intended to impose taxation upon an employee for an amount received as reimbursement when it cannot be found in the exemption provisions of paragraph 6(l)(b).
While it was suggested that the taxpayer did not have to account for the payment and that he was under no obligation to purchase a home in the Ottawa area, the fact is that the plaintiff did purchase a house and was forced to accept the transfer in order to retain his employment.
With respect to the Social Disruption Allowance, in the absence of proof of actual loss, it must be found that a benefit accrued to this plaintiff within the meaning of paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Act.
Ransom, Cyril John v. Minister of National Revenue, [1968] 1 Ex.C.R. 293; (1967), 67 DTC 5235; Roy, J.L. v. M.N.R. (1979), 80 DTC 1005 (T.R.B.); Lor-Wes Con tracting Ltd. v. The Queen, [1986] I F.C. 346; [1985] 2 CTC 79 (C.A.); Stubart Investments Ltd. v. The Queen, [1984] 1 S.C.R. 536.
R. v. Savage, [1983] 2 S.C.R. 428; 83 DTC 5409; R. v.
Poynton, [ 1972] 3 O.R. 727; 72 DTC 6329 (C.A.).
Phaneuf Estate v. R., [1978] 2 F.C. 564; 78 DTC 6001 (T.D.).
Scanlan v. M.N.R. (1951), 51 DTC 84 (T.A.B.); Laidler v. Perry (Inspector of Taxes), [1965] 2 All E.R. 121 (H.L.); Buchanan, George Smith v. Minister of National Revenue, [1967] 1 Ex.C.R. 11; (1966), 66 DTC 5257; Le Ministre du Revenu national v. Bhérer, Wilbrod, [1968] 1 Ex.C.R. 146; (1967), 67 DTC 5186; Martel v. M.N.R., [ 1970] Ex.C.R. 68; 70 DTC 6204; R. v. Pascoe, [ 1976] 1 F.C. 372; (1975), 75 DTC 5427 (C.A.); Lepine, G. v. M.N.R. (1977), 78 DTC 1637 (T.R.B.); Dauphine, T. v. The Queen (1980), 80 DTC 6267 (F.C.T.D.); R. v. Demers, [1981] 2 F.C. 121; (1980), 81 DTC 5256 (T.D.); Cutmore, R. H. et al. v. M.N.R. (1986), 86 DTC 1146 (T.C.C.); Gagnon v. The Queen, [1986] I S.C.R. 264; 86 DTC 6179.
Paul A. Webber, Q.C. for plaintiff.
Paul Plourde and Sandra E. Phillips for defendant.
Bell, Baker, Ottawa, for plaintiff.
Deputy Attorney General of Canada for
The following are the reasons for judgment rendered in English by
ROULEAU J.: This is an appeal from a decision of the Tax Review Board [(1982), 82 DTC 1192] delivered on March 12, 1982. The plaintiff, an air traffic controller, was employed by Transport Canada at the Air Traffic Control Tower at Dorval Airport until placed on a transfer roster requiring him to leave on July 1, 1977. He, in fact, relocated to the Ottawa International Airport ear lier, on December 31, 1976. The official reason for the plaintiff's transfer was stated to be accelerated implementation of bilingualization in the air traf fic control towers in Quebec where, until then, the official working language had been English. The issue to be determined concerns the tax liability of a payment made by the employer to the taxpayer termed "Air Traffic Control Linguistic Relocation Allowance".
The plaintiff, a lifelong resident of the Montréal area, was fluently bilingual. One cannot help but conclude that his relocation was attributable to some other reason than that which brought about the transfer of those who were unilingual English- speaking controllers and were unable or unwilling to undertake specialized language training. Though not expressly stated, one can infer from the facts and circumstances that certain personnel, though bilingual, were not welcomed by the fran- cophone group whose voice dominated the Local. A 'high degree of tension was prevalent in the tower and serious personal relationship problems had developed among the personnel, to the point where air safety was in jeopardy owing to the uncooperative and militant attitude adopted by some of the employees over the language issue. For these reasons, the Department of Transport sought to defuse the atmosphere before it became uncon trollable and thus offered three options to its
employees: preretirement, relocation or that they undertake specialized language training in the air traffic control field in order to achieve functional bilingualism.
Negotiations between a group of anglophone bilingual as well as unilingual air traffic controll ers, who had accepted transfer, and Transport Canada resulted in an approach to Treasury Board in order to secure some compensation for those who would incur relocation expenses.
Following a three-month study by a Special Task Force, Treasury Board authorized a reloca tion payment which was dubbed "Air Traffic Con trol Linguistic Relocation Allowance". Two aspects of compensation were intended. The first, termed Accommodation Differential, assumed from the Special Task Force report that the pur chase of similar accommodation in another major metropolitan centre would be costlier and would result in an increased mortgage. This payment was to lessen the impact of the cost of accommodation brought about by increases in mortgage costs; it was defined as follows:
—an annual payment for a period not to exceed the five years to cover only the identified increases in mortgage costs at the new place of duty based on the cost of interest, at recognized current mortgage rates, when applied solely to the difference in the appraised value or the sales price of the controller's accom modation in Montreal and the assessed value of similar accom modation at the new place of duty by applying residential market costs reported quarterly by nation-wide reputable real estate firms.
The second was referred to as a Social Disrup tion Allowance and was calculated according to the following formula: a lump sum payment of 1% of the employee's annual salary multiplied by the total number of years of service; the minimum amount payable being $500, the maximum $5,000.
In return for the allowance, the transferring air traffic controllers were required to execute an undertaking in which they agreed not to live in the Province of Quebec, not to make press releases, and agreed to remain at their new destination for five years. Failure to comply incurred repayment of the allowance, pro rata, to the day of default.
In 1973 the plaintiff purchased a home in the municipality of Pierrefonds, Quebec, for approxi mately $16,500, assuming a $13,000 mortgage with interest at 9 1 / 4 % per annum with monthly payments of less than $150. It was ideally located for easy commuting to work. Unable to sell his home prior to leaving Dorval, it was assigned an appraised value of $28,000 as at December 31, 1976. It was finally sold for $24,000 in April 1977. Since the plaintiff had contracted not to take up residence in the Province of Quebec upon transfer ring to his new post in Ottawa, he could not avail himself of the lower housing market in Hull, Quebec. He was unable to find similarly-priced accommodations within the city limits of Ottawa itself and was constrained to looking to the out skirts of the capital to purchase a home he could reasonably afford. He settled in the township of West Carleton, Ontario, a rural community some 40 miles from Ottawa. He purchased a house for $82,000 which was encumbered by a $60,000 mortgage bearing interest at the rate of 11 1 / 2 % per annum and monthly payments of $599. He received an Accommodation Differential payment totalling $15,571 to compensate over a five-year period for the interest payable on the amount of his increased mortgage as well as the increased rate of interest. In addition, he was awarded a further sum of $2,155.41 under the terms of the Social Disruption Allowance.
The Crown has taken the position that the entire amount of the Air Traffic Control Linguistic Relo cation Allowance constituted taxable income in the hands of the taxpayer for the 1976 taxation year. To buttress that contention, Crown counsel advanced three main arguments. He argued that the sum paid to the plaintiff amounted to "other remuneration" within the meaning of subsection 5(1) of the Income Tax Act [R.S.C. 1952, c. 148 (as am. by S.C. 1970-71-72, c. 63, s. 1)] ("the Act") which provides:
5. (1) Subject to this Part, a taxpayer's income for a taxation year from an office or employment is the salary, wages and other remuneration, including gratuities, received by him in the year.
An alternative argument on this point was also advanced: if the money received by the plaintiff
did not constitute "other remuneration" per se, it should nevertheless be regarded as deemed remu neration for the purposes of section 5 of the Act by virtue of subsection 6(3) of the Act which reads:
(3) An amount received by one person from another
(a) during a period while the payee was an officer of, or in the employment of, the payer, or
(b) on account or in lieu of payment of, or in satisfaction of, an obligation arising out of an agreement made by the payer with the payee immediately prior to, during or immediately after a period that the payee was an officer of, or in the employment of, the payer,
shall be deemed, for the purposes of section 5, to be remunera tion for the payee's services rendered as an officer or during the period of employment, unless it is established that, irrespective of when the agreement, if any, under which the amount was received was made or the form or legal effect thereof, it cannot reasonably be regarded as having been received
(c) as consideration or partial consideration for accepting the office or entering into the contract of employment,
(d) as remuneration or partial remuneration for services as an officer or under the contract of employment, or
(e) in consideration or partial consideration for a covenant with reference to what the officer or employee is, or is not, to do before or after the termination of the employment.
Crown counsel submitted that none of the exceptions contemplated by subsection 6(3) applied. He also stressed that the source of the payment was the employer-employee relationship. Counsel conceded that the compensation was not part of the initial employment contract, but he asserted rather forcefully that it did not arise from a collateral arrangement between employer and employee either. He also appeared to argue that, by moving, the plaintiff was rendering a service or performing a duty for his employer.
Counsel for the Crown further contended that sums paid to the plaintiff were amounts to be included in his income from office or employment by virtue of paragraphs 6(1)(a) and (b) [as am. by S.C. 1974-75-76, c. 26, s.1] of the Act. Paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Act as it stood in 1976 states:
6. (1) There shall be included in computing the income of a taxpayer for a taxation year as income from an office or employment such of the following amounts as are applicable:
(a) the value of board, lodging and other benefits of any kind whatever (except the benefit he derives from his employer's contributions to or under a registered pension fund or plan, group sickness or accident insurance plan, private health services plan, supplementary unemployment benefit plan, deferred profit sharing plan or group term life insurance policy) received or enjoyed by him in the year in respect of, in the course of, or by virtue of an office or employment; [My underlining.]
Crown counsel argued that the payment of this so-called "allowance" to the taxpayer should be treated as a benefit accruing to the latter by virtue of his office or employment regardless of whether or not the amount was sufficient to adequately compensate the plaintiff for the real loss incurred upon his transfer to Ottawa. Finally he pointed out that the amount received by the plaintiff did not qualify as one of the exceptions which are provided in paragraph 6(1)(b) of the Act:
6. (1) ...
(b) all amounts received by him in the year as an allowance for personal or living expenses or as an allowance for any other purpose, except
(i) travelling or personal or living expense allowances
(A) expressly fixed in an Act of the Parliament of Canada, or
(B) paid under the authority of the Treasury Board to a person who was appointed or whose services were engaged pursuant to the Inquiries Act, in respect of the discharge of his duties relating to such appointment or engagement,
(ii) travelling and separation allowances received under service regulations as a member of the Canadian Forces,
(iii) representation or other special allowances received in respect of a period of absence from Canada as a person described in paragraph 250(1)(b), (c) or (d),
(iv) representation or other special allowances received by an agent-general of a province in respect of a period while
he was in Ottawa as the agent-general of the province,
(v) reasonable allowances for travelling expenses received by an employee from his employer in respect of a period when he was employed in connection with the selling of property or negotiating of contracts for his employer,
(vi) reasonable allowances received by a minister or cler gyman in charge of or ministering to a diocese, parish or congregation for expenses for transportation incident to the discharge of the duties of his office or employment,
(vii) allowances (not in excess of reasonable amounts) for travelling expenses received by an employee (other than an employee employed in connection with the selling of prop erty or negotiating of contracts for his employer) from his employer if they were computed by reference to time actually spent by the employee travelling away from
(A) the municipality where the employer's establish ment at which the employee ordinarily worked or to which he ordinarily made his reports was located, and
(B) the metropolitan area, if there is one, where that establishment was located,
in the performance of the duties of his office or employment,
(viii) such part of the aggregate of allowances received by a volunteer fireman from a government, municipality or other public authority for expenses incurred by him in respect of, in the course of, or by virtue of the discharge of his duties as a volunteer fireman, as does not exceed $300; or
(ix) allowances (not in excess of reasonable amounts) received by an employee from his employer in respect of any child of the employee living away from the employee's domestic establishment in the place where the employee is required by reason of his employment to live and in full-time attendance at a school in which the language primarily used for instruction is the official language of Canada primarily used by the employee if
(A) a school suitable for that child primarily using that language of instruction is not available in the place where the employee is so required to live, and
(B) the school that the child attends is the school closest to that place in which that language is the language primarily used for instruction;
Counsel for the plaintiff, on the other hand, submitted that the payment did not constitute income from office or employment. The effective source of the income was not for services rendered by the plaintiff to his employer, but rather a separate and distinct contract between the parties. In counsel's opinion, the payment of the money was intended as an incentive for the employees to leave the Province of Quebec without stirring up a controversy.
He further argued that the compensation paid to the air traffic controllers for their relocation did not confer a benefit on them since it did not improve their position vis-Ă -vis those employees who remained in the Province of Quebec. To coun sel's mind, the "allowance" was a one-shot pay ment to compensate for what constituted a capital loss brought about by the increased cost in change
of accommodation required by the transfer to another place of employment.
Counsel for the plaintiff disputed the allegation that the amount paid to the plaintiff was an "allowance" within the meaning of the Act. He conceded that there was no obligation placed upon the recipients of the so-called "allowance" to actu ally purchase another home in order to qualify, but he had in fact purchased a residence and he main tained that the amount in question could not be considered an allowance as the taxpayer had, as anticipated, increased mortgage costs.
Counsel also brought to my attention the fact that the transfer of his client turned out to be a demotion.
Concerning the Social Disruption Allowance, counsel did not press his argument except to stress that the sum failed to compensate adequately for the dislocation and the inconvenience suffered by the plaintiff and his family. He particulary pointed out that the plaintiffs transfer caused his spouse, who had eleven years' experience as a nurse, to give up her job and prospects of advancement with the Department of Veteran Affairs. She was unable to transfer to a comparable hospital in Ontario and remained unemployed for two months. From an administrative position, his wife, unilingual French-speaking, had to return to floor duty; lifting patients in hospital led to a serious injury which has left her semi-invalid.
With these facts in mind, I restate the issue to be resolved: should the sum paid to the taxpayer in the 1976 taxation year be considered other remu neration, or a benefit arising by reason of an office or employment, or, yet, an allowance for unex- empted personal or living expenses or for any other purpose and consequently be included in his income for that year?
Much relevant authority dealing with subsection 5(1) and paragraphs 6(1)(a) and (b) of the Act was referred to by counsel for the plaintiff. My own research provided some useful decisions.
The plaintiff made reference to the following cases: Scanlan v. M.N.R. (1951), 51 DTC 84 (T.A.B.); Laidler v. Perry (Inspector of Taxes), [1965] 2 All E.R. 121 (H.L.); Buchanan, George Smith v. Minister of National Revenue, [1967] 1 Ex.C.R. 11; (1966), 66 DTC 5257; Le Ministre du Revenu national v. Bhérer, Wilbrod, [1968] 1 Ex.C.R. 146; (1967), 67 DTC 5186; Ransom, Cyril John v. Minister of National Revenue, [1968] 1 Ex.C.R. 293; (1967), 67 DTC 5235; Martel v. M.N.R., [1970] Ex.C.R. 68; 70 DTC 6204; R. v. Pascoe, [1976] 1 F.C. 372; (1975), 75 DTC 5427 (C.A.); Lepine, G. v. M.N.R. (1977), 78 DTC 1637 (T.R.B.); Dauphinee, T. v. The Queen (1980), 80 DTC 6267 (F.C.T.D.); R. v. Demers, [1981] 2 F.C. 121; (1980), 81 DTC 5256 (T.D.); R. v. Savage, [1983] 2 S.C.R. 428; 83 DTC 5409; Cutmore, R. H. et al. v. M.N.R. (1986), 86 DTC 1146 (T.C.C.); and Gagnon v. The Queen, [1986] 1 S.C.R. 264; 86 DTC 6179.
Counsel for the Crown only relied on the Ransom decision, supra.
Of the above, in my view, the most pertinent dealing with two of the issues is the Ransom case which was concerned with the reimbursement of an employee for the loss on the sale of his house upon transferring to another city. Others worthy of detailed examination are the cases of Pascoe (supra) and Gagnon (supra) which dealt with the definition of "allowance" for the purposes of para graph 6(1)(b) of the Act.
The remainder of the authorities appear con fined to their own set of facts.
"Other Remuneration": Subsection 5(1)
The expression "other remuneration" is not defined in the Act; it is included in section 5 in the phrase "salary, wages and other remuneration, including gratuities". Given its location, I am inclined to give effect to the ejusdem generis rule of interpretation and read "other remuneration" as an amount of the same nature as its antecedents in the sentence, namely "salary" and "wages". They are defined in subsection 248(1) of the Act, but by the express words of that subsection, they have no application to section 5. It therefore becomes necessary to look elsewhere in order to interpret
the word "remuneration", for the purposes of section 5. In this respect, I have taken the liberty of quoting from The Shorter Oxford English Dic tionary (3rd ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1973:
Remunerate ... 1. trans. To repay, requite, make some return for (services, etc.). 2. To reward (a person); to pay (a person) for services rendered or work done....Hence Remuner ation, reward, recompense, repayent; payment, pay.
Salary ... 1. Fixed payment made periodically to a person as compensation for regular work; now usu. for non-manual or non-mechanical work (as opp. to wages). 2. [obsolete] Remu neration for services rendered; fee, honorarium ....
Wage ... [1. obsolete] 2. A payment to a person for service rendered; now esp. the amount paid periodically for the labour
or service of a workman or servant. Freq. pi [The square brackets are mine.]
These definitions presume compensation for a ser vice rendered.
The Ransom case, supra, also emphasized a similar connection between the rendering of ser vice and the payment of the amount before the compensation was to be considered income from an office or employment. At the time of the Ransom decision, the present subsection 5(1) was combined with paragraphs 6(1)(a) and (b). Noël J., referring to the old section 5 as a whole, wrote at pages 307 Ex.C.R.; 5242 DTC:
In order, however, to properly evaluate its intent it is, I believe, necessary to bear in mind firstly, that section 5 of the Act is concerned solely with the taxation of income identified by its relationship to a certain entity, namely, an office or employment and in order to be taxable as income from an office or employment, money received by an employee must not merely constitute income as distinct from capital, but it must arise from his office or employment ... Secondly, the question whether a payment arises from an office or employment depends on its causative relationship to an office or employ ment, in other words, whether the services in the employment are the effective cause of the payment.
The payment with which I am concerned did not form any part of, or adjustment to, the plaintiff's normal salary. He received his full annual wages; the amount in question was in addition to normal compensation and in no way related to services performed by the taxpayer. The amount paid to the plaintiff was intended to defray the additional
cost of a greater mortgage he would have to assume upon relocating.
This payment, offered to transferring employees, did not arise by virtue of the contract of employment. Its source is the object of a special, collateral arrangement between employer and employee arrived at just prior to the transfer. This arrangement was not part of the terms of employ ment either before or after; the scheme was designed to indemnify transferring employees for a capital loss and to quell a possible labour relations catastrophe. The payment never arose under the contract of employment nor in relation to services rendered to the employer by the employee; I fail to see how this compensation can, on the face of it, constitute "other remuneration" within the mean ing of subsection 5(1) of the Act.
Deemed Remuneration: Subsection 6(3)
Subsection 6(3) of the Act creates a presump tion that an amount paid by an employer to an employee:
6(3)(a) during the course of the employment period; or
6(3)(b) pursuant to an obligation arising out of an agreement made between the employer and the employee immedi ately prior to, during, or after, such period
constitutes remuneration for the purposes of sec tion 5 of the Act. Prima facie, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, one would have to conclude that the amount at issue falls within subsection 6(3) and therefore becomes "remunera- tion" for the purposes of section 5.
To rebut this presumption, that the payment is to be treated as remuneration, the taxpayer must establish that the amount could not reasonably be regarded as one of three things:
6(3)(c) consideration or partial consideration for accepting the office or entering into
the contract of employment;
6(3)(d) remuneration or partial remuneration for services as an officer or under the contract of employment;
6(3)(e) in consideration or partial consider ation for a convenant with reference to what the officer or employee is, or is not, to do before or after the termina tion of the employment.
Though counsel did not address this issue in argument, I am satisfied that the taxpayer has met the evidentiary burden of proof required of him to displace the presumption that the amount he received constituted remuneration under subsec tion 6(3). On the facts of this case, it cannot be supported:
—that the payment was made to entice the plaintiff "into accepting the office or entering into the contract of employment";
—that it was remuneration or partial remunera tion for services;
'—that the payment was related to consideration for a convenant undertaken by the employee as to what he was to do or not do, before or after termination of the employment.
Money paid as an incentive to compensate for a capital loss brought about by an involuntary trans fer while remaining in the employ of the same employer and providing no economic benefit to either party is not caught by subsection 6(3).
Benefit Received in Respect of, in the Course of or by Virtue of an Office or Employment: Paragraph 6(1)(a)
Paragraph 6(1)(a) states that there is to be included in an employee's income other benefits of any kind whatever received or enjoyed by him in the year in respect of, in the course of, or by virtue of an office or employment. Exempt from tax are benefits derived by an employee from his employ er's contributions to or under a registered pension fund or plan, group sickness or accident insurance plan, supplementary unemployment benefit plan, deferred profit sharing plan or group term life insurance policy, under an employee benefit plan or employee trust, or a benefit in relation to the use of an automobile, except to_ the extent that it relates to the operation of the automobile.
My interpretation of paragraph 6(1)(a) leads me to the conclusion that a determination must be made as to whether the payment received by the taxpayer did in fact constitute a benefit and whether it was received "in respect of, in the course of, or by virtue of an office or employment".
As previously stated, I am satisfied that the payment made to the taxpayer in question did not arise in relation to his office or employment; sub stantially it was made in order to avoid a potential labour dispute and directed to the plaintiff as a person rather than in his capacity as an employee.
The case of Phaneuf Estate v. R., [1978] 2 F.C. 564; 78 DTC 6001 (T.D.) fashioned a test for determining whether a payment constitutes an employment benefit. Thurlow A.C.J. (as he then was) said at pages 572 F.C.; 6005 DTC:
While the language of the statutes differ, the test expressed by Viscount Cave L.C. (supra) appears to me to express, as well as it can be expressed, the essence of what falls within the taxing provision of the Income Tax Act. Is the payment made "by way of remuneration for his services" or is it "made to him on personal grounds and not by way of payment for his services"? It may be made to an employee but is it made to him as employee or simply as a person. Another way of stating it is to say is it received in his capacity as employee, but that appears to me to be the same test. To be received in the capacity of employee it must, as I see it, partake of the character of remuneration for services. That is the effect that, as it seems to me, the words "in respect of, in the course of or by virtue of an office or employment" in paragraph 6(1)(a) have.
The Supreme Court of Canada in Savage (supra) accepted this test but not without reserva tion. It disagreed with the statement that, to be received in the capacity of employee, the payment had to be characterized as remuneration for ser vices; it cited the passage from R. v. Poynton, [1972] 3 O.R. 727; 72 DTC 6329 (C.A.) which appears to be authority for the proposition of "conferring an economic benefit". Evans J.A., speaking for the Court, said at pages 6335-6336 DTC; 738 O.R.:
I am of the opinion that there is no difference between money and money's worth in calculating income. They are both benefits and fall within the language of ss. 3 and 5 [now 6] of the Act, being benefits received or enjoyed by the respondent in
respect of, in the course of, or by virtue of his office or employment. 1 do not believe the language to be restricted to benefits that are related to the office or employment in the sense that they represent a form of remuneration for services rendered. If it is a material acquisition which confers an economic benefit on the taxpayer and does not constitute an exemption, e.g., loan or gift, then it is within the all-embracing definition of s. 3 [i.e. the definition of "income"]. [Square brackets and underlining are mine.]
In Savage, supra, the Court in distinguishing the Phaneuf case, supra, wrote as follows at pages 441-442 S.C.R.; 5414 DTC:
It is difficult to conclude that the payments by Excelsior to Mrs. Savage were not in relation to or in connection with her employment. As Mr. Justice Grant said, the employee took the course to improve his or her knowledge and efficiency in the company business and for better opportunity of promotion.
As Crown counsel submits, the sum of $300 received by Mrs. Savage from her empoyer was a benefit and was received or enjoyed by her in respect of, in the course of or by virtue of her employment within the meaning of s. 6(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act; it was paid by her employer in accordance with company policy upon the successful completion of courses "designed to provide a broad understanding of modern life insurance and life insurance company operations" and "to encourage self-upgrading of staff members"; the interest of the employer "was that the courses would make her a more valu able employee"; Mrs. Savage took the courses to "improve [her] knowledge and efficiency in the company business and for better opportunity for promotion". Distinguishing this case from Phaneuf, there was no element of gift, personal bounty or of considerations extraneous to Mrs. Savage's employment.
I would hold that the payments received by Mrs. Savage were in respect of employment. That, of itself, makes them income from a source under s. 3 of the Act.
It is clear to me that on the facts in Savage there was no element of gift, personal bounty or of consideration extraneous to the taxpayer's employ ment. The Court was satisfied that the award of $300 for having successfully completed a course recommended by the company was "in accordance with company policy ... designed to provide a broad understanding of modern life insurance ... to encourage self-upgrading of staff members ... make ... [for] a more valuable employee ... [more efficient] in the company business and for better opportunity for promotion." These words clearly imply that, though some relation between the payment and employment are inevitable, the primary purpose of the allowance, in order to
qualify as exempt, must be completely extraneous to the employment and the amount should not constitute a benefit either to the employer or to the employee in relation to the employment. In the case before me the payment was to the taxpayer in his capacity as a person. The employee had no choice in accepting the transfer. The motivation was political and was brought about by a labour dispute. The transfer to Ottawa was involuntary and certainly did not improve traffic safety at the Ottawa International Airport. The payment of this sum cannot be related to company policy, to pro viding greater understanding of air traffic control or better understanding of company operations, to upgrading the staff member, to making the tax payer a more valuable employee nor did it create an opportunity for promotion.
In the case of Roy, J.L. v. M.N.R. (1979), 80 DTC 1005 (T.R.B.), the employer had set up a "redundancy program" under which it paid a sub stantial sum to the taxpayer over a period of years following his peremptory dismissal. The payments were based on the taxpayer's length of service, salary level, age, number of years to pension age, insurance and so on. The Tax Review Board held at page 1007:
The formula under the redundancy fund was carefully cal culated and motivated by the company to preclude litigation or threat thereof by an employee who was dismissed. The pay ments made to the appellant under its redundancy fund were not benefits received by virtue of the contract of employment of the appellant but rather they arose under an arrangement subsequent to the termination of the employment contract.
Similarly, in the present case, the payments made to the transferring air traffic controllers did not arise by virtue of the contract of employment but rather pursuant to a separate agreement, which was entered into before the effective date of the transfers as opposed to after termination of the employment as in Roy (supra). But more impor tantly, the payment of the allowance with which I am concerned was primarily motivated by con siderations extraneous to the employment, namely public and labour relations considerations. This is further evidenced by the requirement that the transferring employees avoid contact with the media and not reside in the Province of Quebec for
five years and, further, failing which they would have to reimburse.
For the above reasons I am of the opinion that the Crown has failed to etablish that the payment received by the plaintiff taxpayer in this case was paid "in respect of, in the course of, or by virtue of an office or employment" as required by para graph 6(1)(a) of the Act.
Having so found, it is questionable whether I need make a finding as to whether the payment in question in fact constituted a benefit. Neverthe less, this appears to be an appropriate case to expound further upon the meaning of the phrase "benefits of any kind whatever" as it is used in paragraph 6(I)(a) of the Act.
I think it is clear that the purpose of paragraph 6(1)(a) is to include in the taxable income of a taxpayer those economic benefits arising from his employment which render the taxpayer's salary of greater value to him. I am persuaded that if there was a recipient of any alleged benefit which may have arisen from the circumstances of this case, it was certainly not the plaintiff taxpayer. I cannot equate it to an economic advantage such as free board and lodging which is mentioned in para graph 6(1)(a).
I am of the view that paragraph 6(1)(a) is in the Act to provide a method to tax all those individu als who receive perks in addition to their salaries. Employers may offer a wide variety of induce ments ranging from pensions and death benefits to liberal expense accounts and allowances, to more immediate advantages, such as country club facili ties and the use of company cars, boats and other property. It is only fair that these items be added to income and taxed. Those with greater economic advantages should pay their fair share. A disparity in the tax treatment of an employee who receives all his compensation as salary and wages and one who receives the same amount of compensation but partly in the form of fringe benefits and allowances is not defensible.
I think it is correct interpretation of paragraph 6(1)(a) in light of recent decisions in the Supreme Court of Canada, in Stubart [Stubart Investments Ltd. v. The Queen, [1984] 1 S.C.R. 536], supra,
etc., and Lor-Wes Contracting Ltd. v. The Queen, [1986] 1 F.C. 346; [1985] 2 CTC 79 (C.A.) where Mr. Justice MacGuigan wrote at pages 352 F.C.; 83 CTC:
The only principle of interpretation now recognized is a words- in-total-context approach with a view to determining the object and spirit of the taxing provisions.
Accordingly, the purpose of paragraph 6(1)(a) is not to impose taxation upon an employee for an amount received by him as reimbursement when it cannot be found in the exemption provisions of paragraph 6(1)(b). Although the Crown relied heavily on the decision in Ransom (supra) sug gesting that, if employment gave rise to a pay ment, it necessarily constituted income unless exempt, counsel failed to point out the true inter pretation which Noël J. attributed to payments made in these particular types of situations when he wrote at pages 310-311 Ex.C.R.; 5244 DTC:
An allowance is quite a different thing from reimbursement. It is, as already mentioned, an arbitrary amount usually paid in lieu of reimbursement. It is paid to the employee to use as he wishes without being required to account for its expenditure. For that reason it is possible to use it as a concealed increase in remuneration and that is why, I assume, "allowances" are taxed as though they were remuneration.
It appears to me quite clear that reimbursement of an employee by an employer for expenses or losses incurred by reason of the employment (which as stated by Lord Mac- Naughton in Tenant v. Smith ([1982] A.C. 150) puts nothing in the pocket but merely saves the pocket) is neither remunera tion as such or a benefit "of any kind whatsoever" so it does not fall within the introductory words of section 5(1) or within paragraph (a). It is equally obvious that it is not an allowance within paragraph (b) for the reasons that I have already given.
Counsel for the Crown further suggested that the payment received by the taxpayer was one for which he was unaccountable and that the taxpayer was under no obligation to purchase a home in the Ottawa area. It was this argument which appears to have persuaded the Tax Court and led it to the following conclusion [at page 1195 DTC]:
It was his choice to acquire a home and he received money without even having to prove a loss. The formula was set up and the formula was followed. Had the appellant seen fit to rent an apartment or live with relatives or friends, he still would have received the same amount of money.
In my opinion, that reasoning is neither here nor there. Firstly, the decision of the Tax Court is not based on the facts of the case which are that the plaintiff taxpayer did purchase a home. Secondly, the taxpayer was forced to accept the transfer in order to retain his employment. Under those cir cumstances, I would think it was not only his choice but his right to purchase a home in the Ottawa area and attempt to put himself in the same position he was in prior to being moved from his home in Montréal. From the evidence adduced, it is manifestly clear that the plaintiff "put nothing in his pocket but merely saved the pocket".
It will be recalled that there were two aspects to the Air Traffic Control Linguistic Relocation "Allowance". Throughout my reasons for judg ment, I have only dealt with the Accommodation Differential, which, by virtue of the above, I con clude is not to be computed in the plaintiff's taxable income, be it as "other remuneration", "deemed remuneration", another "benefit of any kind whatever" or as an "allowance for any other purpose" within the intendment of subsections 5(1) and 6(3) and paragraphs 6(1)(a) and (b) of the Act, respectively. As far as the second aspect of the "allowance" is concerned, that is the Social Disruption "Allowance", in the absence of any proof put forward by the plaintiff to show that he actually suffered other losses due to his relocation equal to the $2,155.41 he received, I must con clude that a benefit accrued to him within the meaning of paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Act. Such amount did not constitute remuneration under subsection 5(1), deemed remuneration for the pur poses of subsection 6(3), or an allowance within the purview of paragraph 6(1)(b) for the same reasons as the Accommodation Differential does not come under the above provisions.
I therefore allow this appeal and declare that the Accommodation Differential Allowance in the amount of $15,571 paid to the plaintiff by Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada is not taxable; but that the Social Disruption Allowance in the amount of $2,155.41 is to be included in computing the taxpayer's income for 1976. Costs to the plaintiff.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.