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City of Melville, Town of Watrous and Transport 2000 Saskatchewan (Appellants)
Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Trans port for Canada, VIA Rail Canada, Canadian Pacific Limited and Canadian National Railways (Respondents)
Court of Appeal, Heald, Le Dain JJ. and Hyde D.J.—Calgary, May 13 and 14; Ottawa, Septem- ber 20, 1982.
Railways — Appeal from judgment of Trial Division strik ing out statement of claim as disclosing no reasonable cause of action — Appellants seeking declaration Order in Council varying Orders of Canadian Transport Commission and dis continuing passenger-train services, invalid — Appeal allowed on basis of reasons for judgment in The Jasper Park case, [19831 2 F.C. 98 (C.A.) although appellants' arguments in instant case to some extent different from those in The Jasper Park case.
R. Scott, Q.C. for appellants.
E. A. Bowie, Q.C. for respondents Attorney General of Canada and Minister of Transport for Canada.
M. E. Rothstein, Q.C. and L. M. Huart for respondent VIA Rail Canada.
C. Wendlandt for respondent Canadian Pacif ic Limited.
Grant H. Nerbas and P. Antymniuk for
respondent Canadian National Railways.
Thompson, Dorfman, Sweatman, Winnipeg, for appellants.
Deputy Attorney General of Canada for respondents Attorney General of Canada and Minister of Transport for Canada.
Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson, Win- nipeg, for respondent VIA Rail Canada. Canadian Pacific Limited Law Department,
Montreal, for respondent Canadian Pacific Limited.
Canadian National Railways Law Depart ment, Winnipeg, for respondent Canadian National Railways.
The following are the reasons for judgment rendered in English by
HEALD J.: This is an appeal from a judgment of the Trial Division [[1982] 2 F.C. 3] wherein the motions of the respondents for an order pursuant to Rule 419(1)(a) striking out the appellants' statement of claim and dismissing the action against them were granted with costs.' This appeal is a parallel appeal to that in the case of The Jasper Park Chamber of Commerce et al. v. Gov ernor General in Council as represented by the Attorney General of Canada, et al., [1983] 2 F.C. 98. As in The Jasper Park case (supra), here also the appellants sought a declaration that Order in Council P.C. 1981-2171 was invalid and requested ancillary injunctive relief.
The legal arguments on behalf of these appel lants were to some extent different from those advanced by the appellants in The Jasper Park case. However, since it is my opinion that these appellants are entitled to succeed on the basis of the reasons for judgment given in The Jasper Park case, I do not think it necessary to deal with the additional arguments advanced by counsel for these appellants. Accordingly, and for the reasons given in The Jasper Park case, I would allow this appeal and set aside the order of the Trial Division striking out the statement of claim. The appellants are entitled to their costs both here and in the Trial Division.
LE DAIN J.: I agree. HYDE D.J.: I agree.
1 The statement of claim ordered struck out by the Trial Division was on behalf of four plaintiffs: the three appellants herein along with the Attorney General of Saskatchewan. The Attorney General of Saskatchewan did not appeal the Trial
Division judgment.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.