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The Queen (Appellant)
Anton J. Pongratz (Respondent)
Court of Appeal, Heald, Le Dain JJ, and Kelly D.J.—Toronto, April 19; Ottawa, May 19, 1982.
Income tax — Penalties — Appeal from Trial judgment allowing respondent's appeal from reassessment of penalty for 1977 — Taxpayer filed late income tax returns for 1972 to 1977 inclusive because of business demands and lack of funds to pay taxes due — Demands to file issued in 1974 to 1977 inclusive — Taxpayer denied intention not to pay tax and existence of scheme to evade taxes — Late-filing penalty and amount of tax due paid when tax returns filed — Appellant submits that civil penalties for wilful evasion of tax under s. 163(1) of Income Tax Act payable where intentional failure to file tax return, or that Trial Judge should have inferred from evidence that deliberate late filing amounted to wilful attempt to evade payment — Appellant also submits that attempt to evade payment of tax includes avoidance of tax for temporary periods — Trial Judge awarded costs against respondent notwithstanding that taxpayer enjoyed complete success on merits — Taxpayer cross-appeals award of costs — Appeal dismissed and cross-appeal allowed — Court has discretion to infer whether wilful refusal to file return was made with intent to evade taxes — Evidence supports Trial Judge's inference against finding of wilful attempt to evade taxes — Appellant's suggested construction of Act requires addition of words 'for a time" or "temporarily" — Court limited to interpreting words used by legislature — Also, s. 163(1) must be construed strictly against taxing authority because it imposes penalties — No authority for awarding costs in favour of unsuccessful party against successful one except in relation to conduct of lawsuit — No evidence of conduct justifying award of costs against respondent — Income Tax Act, S.C. 1970-71-72, c. 63, ss. 162(1), 163(1), 239(1)(d)— Federal Court Rule 344.
Appeal from a decision of the Trial Division allowing respondent's appeal with respect to his 1977 taxation year from a reassessment of penalty made pursuant to subsection 163(1) of the Income Tax Act. From 1972 to 1977 inclusive, taxpayer
consistently filed his income tax returns late because this was the busiest time of year in his accounting practice and because of a lack of funds with which to pay the tax. Demands to file were issued in 1974-1977 inclusive. Taxpayer knew that the Act required filing of his return and payment of any tax owing on or before April 30 in the year next following. He denied any intention not to pay income tax and the existence of a plan which would result in his not paying tax. From 1972 to 1977 he was assessed and paid the late-filing penalty prescribed by subsection 162(1) of Income Tax Act. He also paid the amount of tax due when he filed the returns. Subsection 163(1) imposes civil penalties for wilfully attempting to evade payment of tax. The Trial Judge awarded costs against the respondent notwith standing that he enjoyed complete success in that Court in so far as the merits were concerned. The respondent cross- appealed the award of costs.
Held, the appeal is dismissed and the cross-appeal is allowed. As to the submission that an intentional failure to file a return constitutes a wilful attempt to evade tax, the reasoning in The Queen v. Paveley, 76 DTC 6415 is persuasive. "Upon proof of a `wilful refusal' to file an income tax return ... the Court may, not must, infer that the accused committed the act with the intent to evade payment of taxes." Also, the legislators did not intend subsection 163(1) to apply automatically to every late- filing taxpayer. Finally, Parliament has recently increased the penalty for late filing so that it is once more an effective deterrent. This is a further indication of Parliament's ability and willingness to deal with any problem relating to late-filing taxpayers other than by the serious penalties imposed in subsec tion 163(1). As to appellant's submission that repeated deliber ate late-filing amounted to a wilful attempt to evade payment of tax, the circumstances entitled the trier of fact to draw an inference against a finding of wilful attempt to evade payment of tax: respondent filed his 1972, 1973, and 1978 returns without the necessity of a demand for payment being issued; respondent complied with the Minister's demands to file a return within two months of their receipt; all returns were filed within one year or less of the prescribed date and the tax payable, together with the late-filing penalty, was paid when the returns were filed; respondent denied any intention not to pay his tax and existence of a scheme which would result in his not paying tax; and during the past 34 years, the accuracy of the respondent's returns had not been challenged. The inference drawn by the Trial Judge was therefore proper. Finally, the submission that "evade" is synonymous with the word "avoid" is contrary to the case law which makes a distinction between avoidance and evasion in relation to the law of taxation. The appellant's submission requires that subsection 163(1) be inter preted as if the words "for a time" or "temporarily" followed the word "evade". In the construction of a statute, the duty of the Court is limited to interpreting the words used by the legislature and it has no power to fill in any gaps disclosed. To do so would be to usurp the function of the legislature. The Trial Judge did not err in the nature of the test to be applied. Additionally, since subsection 163(1) imposes penalties, it is to be construed strictly against the taxing authority. As to the
cross-appeal, there is no basis for the exercise of the discretion to award costs in favour of the unsuccessful appellant. Rule 344 provides that costs shall follow the event unless otherwise ordered and then details circumstances relating to the conduct of the lawsuit under which costs may be disallowed or awarded against the successful party. There is no evidence here of conduct by the respondent in the action itself which could justify an award of costs against him. The Trial Judge, through the award of costs, was punishing the appellant's conduct in late filing over the years, which course of conduct the Trial Judge had previously found did not contravene subsection 163(1). Such a penalty is not authorized by the Income Tax Act nor by the Rules of the Court and the cross-appeal is allowed.
The Queen v. Paveley, 76 DTC 6415 (Sask. C.A.); Magor et al. v. Newport Corporation, [1952] A.C. 189; Tuck & Sons v. Priester (1887), 19 Q.B.D. 629.
Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. et al. v. The Queen, 81 DTC 5100 (Alta. C.A.); The Queen v. Regehr (1968), 3 C.C.C. 72 (Y.C.A.); Ciglen v. The Queen, [1970] S.C.R. 804.
W. Lefebvre and I. MacGregor for appellant.
T. E. McDonnell and D. A. Giannini for respondent.
Deputy Attorney General of Canada for appellant.
Little, Reeves, Mahoney, Jarrett & Hart, London, for respondent.
The following are the reasons for judgment rendered in English by
HEALD J.: This is an appeal from a decision of the Trial Division allowing the respondent's appeal
with respect to his 1977 taxation year from a reassessment of penalty made pursuant to subsec tion 163(1) of the Income Tax Act, R.S.C. 1952, c. 148 as amended by S.C. 1970-71-72, c. 63, section 1 (the Act) 1 . These reasons will also deal with the cross-appeal by the respondent herein from that portion of the Trial Division judgment which awarded costs to the appellant herein.
The ratio of the judgment of the Trial Division in so far as it relates to the appeal reads as follows:
On the evidence on this appeal, which consisted only of a partial Agreed Statement of Facts and the evidence of the plaintiff, the Minister has not established the facts justifying the assessment of the penalty.
Accordingly the appeal is allowed and the matter is referred back for re-assessment.
The following factual situation emerges from the agreed statement of facts filed at trial: the respondent is a public accountant currently prac tising as a sole proprietor, having carried on busi ness in this manner for approximately 34 years. A portion of this practice involves tax planning and the preparation of income tax returns for both individual and corporate clients. He has prepared and filed his own tax return for all of those 34 years and knew that the Act required the filing of his return and the payment of any tax owing on or before April 30 in the year next following. He also knew that payments of tax were required to be made periodically during each taxation year. The respondent's record in respect of the taxation years 1972 through 1977 may be summarized as follows:
telnents red Date 0 and t Actual Oo 7 z a abl e e
7eexitvon pavd� Fvl ln g Date: Fvle Issued: o Filvn g Oete: Lete� p of Re q uv red
972 None Apr11 30/73 011 Nov. 27/73 212 ]6,104.40
1973 None Apr22 30/74 011 Nov. 21/70 206 $6,420.20
1974 None 29241 30/75 3e00. 15/76 Mar. 2 / 7 6 306 17.001.60
1975 21,500 Apr31 30/70 50y. 3/76 Dec. 30/76 244 12.190.90
1976 None Apra1 30/77 Dee. 5/77 3.6. 30/70 273 17,136 00
1977 None Apral 30/70 July 26/76 Sept. 11/70 134 15.464.15
' Subsection 163(1) reads as follows:
163. (1) Every person who wilfully attempts to evade payment of the tax payable by him under this Part by failing to file a return of income as and when required by subsection 150(1) is liable to a penalty of 50% of the amount of the tax sought to be evaded.
The only viva voce testimony at trial was given by the respondent and he testified, inter alia, to the following effect: before 1972 he did not, at all times, file his returns on a timely basis. With respect to his 1978 return, he filed it on June 9, 1979, approximately 70 days late and made no instalment payments on account of the 1978 tax payable by him. He consistently failed to file his returns when required by the Act because this was the busiest time of the year in his practice and because of lack of funds with which to pay the tax. Accordingly, he postponed the preparation and filing of his own return to a time of the year when it was more convenient to prepare it. He admitted, nevertheless, that he could have prepared his own return on time since it was not complex. He also admitted that he deliberately chose to use avail able funds for a farming operation in which he was engaged, in preference to payment of his income tax. He also agreed that he had not attempted to borrow funds to pay the tax owing. He denied, however, any intention not to pay his income tax and he denied the existence of any plan or scheme which would result in his not paying tax. He said that during the past 34 years the correctness or the accuracy of his returns had never been challenged by the Department. Likewise, no criminal charge under the Income Tax Act had ever been laid against him. During the taxation years 1972 through 1977, he was assessed and had paid the late filing penalty prescribed by subsection 162(1) of the Act 2 which he accepted as a natural conse quence of not filing his returns when they became due. He also had paid the amount of tax due when he filed his returns.
The initial submission by counsel for the appel lant in his memorandum of fact and law was to the
2 Subsection 162(1), at all relevant times, read as follows: 162. (1) Every person who has failed to make a return as and when required by subsection 150(1) is liable to a penalty of
(a) an amount equal to 5% of the tax that was unpaid when the return was required to be filed, if the tax payable under this Part that was unpaid at that time was less than $10,000 and
(b) $500, if at the time the return was required to be filed tax payable under this Part equal to $10,000 or more was unpaid.
effect that penalties are properly payable under subsection 163(1) where, as in this case, there has been an intentional failure to file a tax return as and when required by the Act since such intention al failure, in itself, constitutes a wilful attempt to evade payment of tax. I do not agree with this submission. Subsection 163(1) imposes civil penal ties for wilfully attempting to evade the payment of tax. The companion section of the Act which imposes criminal penalties is paragraph 239(1)(d) which provides that:
239. (1) Every person who has
(d) wilfully, in any manner, evaded or attempted to evade, compliance with this Act or payment of taxes imposed by this Act, ...
is guilty of an offence ....
Although the language used in the two subsections is not identical, it is, in my view, substantially the same and the word "evade" is used in both subsec tions. Accordingly, I have found persuasive the comments of Bayda J.A. of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal (as he then was) in the case of The Queen v. Paveley 3 where he stated:
It is plain, therefore, that upon proof of a "wilful refusal" to file an income tax return—the "manner" in which it is alleged the offence under section 239(1)(d) of the Income Tax Act is committed—the Court may, not must, infer that the accused committed the act with the intent to evade payment of taxes. If on the whole evidence the Court reaches the conclusion that it is proper to draw that inference, then it may do so. If it reaches the conclusion that it is not proper to do so, or is left in reasonable doubt, then it should not draw the inference.
To the same effect is the view of Harradence J.A. as expressed in the case of Medicine Hat Green houses Ltd. et al. v. The Queen 4 :
Section 239(1)(d) does not make it an offence per se to contravene a provision of the Income Tax Act. Such a contra vention may be an ingredient to be established in a charge under that section but to do so without more, falls far short of
3 76 DTC 6415 (Sask. C.A.) at 6421.
4 81 DTC 5100 (Alta. C.A.) at 5104.
proving a charge of wilful evasion under that section. The contravention may or may not be wilful.
As was pointed out by counsel for the respondent, if this submission by counsel for the appellant were to prevail, the result would be that if a taxpayer filed his tax return on May 1 in a given year and such late filing was intentional, then that taxpayer would be subject to the same basic penalty of 50% of the unpaid tax as a taxpayer who deliberately files his return one or two years late. It is conceded that the Minister would not likely proceed under subsection 163(1) against the taxpayer who filed a day late but the result of this interpretation would be to produce arbitrary rulings by departmental officials as to what constitutes sufficient delay to warrant the imposition of the very substantial penalty required by subsection 163(1). I do not believe that it was the intention of the legislators that subsection 163(1) apply, automatically, to every late-filing taxpayer.
As was also pointed out by the respondent's counsel, Parliament has recently substantially increased the penalty for late filing by amending subsection 162(1) [S.C. 1980-81-82, c. 48, s. 89] so as to remove the former ceiling of $500 on the 5% penalty and by increasing that penalty by adding thereto an amount equal to 1% of the unpaid tax for each month the return is late, to a maximum of 12 months. Parliament has, by this amendment, increased the late-filing penalty so that, once more, it would appear to be an effective deterrent. This is a further indication of Parlia ment's ability and willingness to deal with any problem relating to late-filing taxpayers outside of and apart from the serious penalties imposed in subsection 163 (1) for attempted wilful evasion. Accordingly and for all the above reasons, I would reject this initial submission.
In the alternative to the initial submission dealt with supra, the appellant submitted that, on this record, the Trial Judge could and should have
inferred from the evidence and respondent's course of conduct that respondent's wilful late filing in 1977 amounted to a wilful attempt to evade pay ment of tax so as to justify the imposition of the penalty specified in subsection 163(1). In this regard, the appellant relies on the respondent's repeated deliberate failures to file timely tax returns in respect of prior as well as subsequent years. The problem with this submission is that it does not take into account the totality of the evidence before the Trial Judge. The uncontradict- ed evidence of the respondent at trial detailed the following circumstances which, in my view, would entitle the trier of fact to draw an inference in favour of the respondent and against a finding of wilful attempt to evade payment of tax: the respondent filed his 1972, 1973 and 1978 returns without the necessity for a demand being issued; in respect of the returns for 1974, 1975, 1976 and 1977, the respondent complied with the Minister's demand to file a return—the return being filed in each of those years within two months of receipt by the respondent of the demand; all of the respondent's returns for the years 1972 through 1978 were filed within one year or less of the prescribed date and the tax payable together with the late-filing penalty was paid by the respondent when the returns were filed; the respondent specifi cally denied any intention not to pay his tax and he also denied the existence of a scheme which would result in his not paying tax; during the past 34 years, the correctness or accuracy of his returns had never been challenged by the Department nor had any criminal charges under the Income Tax Act ever been laid against him. While the reasons of the Trial Judge are very short, his statement to the effect that: "On the evidence ... the Minister has not established the facts justifying the assess ment of the penalty" is an indication that he did draw that contrary inference on the evidence adduced. That being so, I am not persuaded that the inference which he drew from the total evi dence was improper or not reasonably open to him. For these reasons, I would reject the alternative initial submission made by the appellant.
I come now to what I perceived to be the principal submission made by counsel for the appellant in his oral argument before us. This submission was to the effect that the Trial Judge erred in law in respect of the nature of the test which he applied to the factual circumstances of this case. In the view of appellant's counsel, the attempt to evade payment of tax envisaged in subsection 163(1) encompasses an evasion or avoidance of tax for a temporary period of time and it is not necessary that the attempt to evade embody the concept of avoiding the payment of tax for all time. In support of this view, counsel refers to a comment by Brownridge J.A. in the Paveley case supra where he said (page 6417): "Likewise, I am not persuaded that there is no such thing as a temporary evasion." I would observe, initially, that the above comment was dicta because of the factual situation in that case. The respondent had been charged under paragraph 239(1)(d) of the Act on the basis of his failure to file returns for three taxation years, notwithstand ing formal demands to do so—that is, Paveley was a case of non-filing whereas the present case is one of filing but filing late. My other comment would be that the above statement does not appear to express a concluded opinion. For these reasons I find the statement to have little persuasive value here since the factual situation in the case at bar is quite different to that in the Paveley case (supra).
In making this submission, appellant's counsel contended that the word "evade" as used in sub section 163 (1) is synonymous with the word "avoid". This submission is, in my view, contrary to the jurisprudence which makes a distinction between avoidance and evasion when related to the law of taxations. It is also central to this submis sion that subsection 163(1) be interpreted as though it contained after the word "evade" there in, the words "for a time" or "temporarily" or other words of similar import. This would necessi-
5 See for example: The Queen v. Regehr (1968), 3 C.C.C. 72 (Y.C.A.); Ciglen v. The Queen, [1970] S.C.R. 804 at 812.
tate adding words to the subsection that are not there. In the case of Magor et al. v. Newport Corporation 6 , the House of Lords held that in the construction of a statute the duty of the Court is limited to interpreting the words used by the legis lature and it has no power to fill in any gaps disclosed and that to do so would be to usurp the function of the legislature. In dealing with this matter Lord Simonds said at page 191:
The duty of the Court is to interpret the words that the legislature has used; those words may be ambiguous, but, even if they are, the power and duty of the Court to travel outside them on a voyage of discovery are strictly limited ....
Lord Simonds goes on to express disapproval of the view of Denning L.J. in the Court of Appeal to the effect that the Court, having discovered the intention of Parliament and Ministers, must pro ceed to fill in the gaps. Also on page 191, Lord Simonds said of this view:
It appears to me to be a naked usurpation of the legislative function under the thin disguise of interpretation. And it is the less justifiable when it is guesswork with what material the legislature would, if it had discovered the gap, have filled it in. If a gap is disclosed, the remedy lies in an amending Act.
I have accordingly concluded that this submission by the appellant must also fail and that the Trial Judge did not err in respect of the nature of the test to be applied.
As above stated, it is my view that the wording of subsection 163(1) is clear and cannot be inter preted in the manner suggested by the appellant. If, however, it could be said that the interpretation advanced by the appellant is a reasonable one, the appellant would still not succeed by reason of the fact that since subsection 163(1) imposes penal ties, it is to be construed strictly against the taxing authority. As was stated by Lord Esher M.R. in the case of Tuck & Sons v. Priester 7 [at page 638]:
If there is a reasonable interpretation which will avoid the penalty in any particular case we must adopt that construction. If there are two reasonable constructions we must give the more lenient one.
6 [1952] A.C. 189. (1887), 19 Q.B.D. 629.
For all of the above reasons, it is my opinion that the appeal should be dismissed and the reassess ment of penalty pursuant to subsection 163(1) in respect of the respondent's 1977 taxation year should be vacated.
The learned Trial Judge awarded costs in the Trial Division against this respondent notwith standing the fact that the respondent enjoyed com plete success in that Court in so far as the merits were concerned. The reasons given by the Trial Judge for this disposition concerning costs read as follows:
In view of all the circumstances as detailed in evidence and the conduct of the plaintiff, this is a proper case for awarding costs against the plaintiff. Therefore the defendant shall have judg ment against the plaintiff and be entitled to recover costs of this appeal from the plaintiff.
With respect, I am unable to find any proper basis for the exercise of the discretion to award costs in favour of this unsuccessful appellant against this successful respondent. Federal Court Rule 344(1) provides that:
Rule 344. (1) The costs of and incidental to all proceedings in the Court shall be in the discretion of the Court and shall follow the event unless otherwise ordered ....
The various other subsections of Rule 344 detail circumstances under which costs may be disal lowed or awarded against the successful party. However, those circumstances, without exception, relate to the conduct of the lawsuit, not to conduct which occurred prior to the commencement of the litigation. In this case, there is no evidence of any conduct by the respondent in the action itself which could possibly justify an award of costs against him. The respondent cooperated complete ly in the conduct of the action, agreed to a state ment of facts filed at trial and testified at trial notwithstanding that the burden of proof was on the Minister throughout. It is clear from the state ment of the Trial Judge (supra) that the conduct he was punishing through the award of costs was the course of conduct of the respondent in late filing over the years, which course of conduct the Trial Judge had previously found did not contra vene subsection 163(1). The effect of the award of
costs in this case was to impose a different kind of penalty upon the respondent, a penalty not author ized by the Income Tax Act nor by the Rules of this Court.
I would therefore allow the cross-appeal with costs and set aside the award of costs to the appellant against the respondent in the Trial Divi sion. I would also award costs to the respondent against the appellant both here and in the Trial Division.
LE DAIN J.: I agree. KELLY D.J.: I concur.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.