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B. Keith Penner, Norman Cafik, Harry Assad and the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (Applicants)
The Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario and the Representation Com missioner for Canada (Respondents)
Court of Appeal, Jackett C.J.—Ottawa, July 8, 1976.
Practice—Section 28 application to review and set aside report of Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario— Consent application to determine "record"—Federal Court Rules 324, 1402.
A section 28 application was filed to review and set aside the report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario. This was a consent application to determine, under Rule 1402(3) the "record".
Held, the application is dismissed with leave to reapply. It appears that the Commission has ceased to exist; it cannot, then, be the source of the "material in the case", as defined by Rule 1402(1) or of the "copies" of the material, as contemplat ed by Rule 1402(3). Ordinarily, a consent order will be made without inquiry into the merits. Here, there were two aspects concerning which the Court would require supporting material. First, as the section 28 application concerns a "report" of apparent public importance, the Court should be satisfied that all persons entitled to be parties to the proceeding are parties to the consent, or have been given an opportunity to be represent ed in the proceeding and have not taken advantage of it. Second, as the Commission is now apparently non-existent and cannot provide the usual authentication, the Court should have assurance that the "case" to be determined by the order will consist of properly authenticated documents. Both matters call for supporting affidavits under Rule 319(2). And, while the filing of an explanatory letter by counsel may not have been required by Rule 324 where there was an obviously adequate consent, here, it would have been helpful.
APPLICATION in writing under Rule 324. SOLICITORS:
Gowling & Henderson, Ottawa, for applicants.
Hewitt, Hewitt, Nesbitt, Reid, McDonald & Tierney, Ottawa, for respondents.
The following are the reasons for judgment rendered in English by
JACKETT C.J.: This is a consent application in writing (Rule 324) to determine, under Rule 1402(3), the "Record" in this section 28 application.
The section 28 application, which was filed on May 21, 1976, is to review and set aside "a decision or order entitled Report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario, delivered on the 13th day of May 1976 under file number R670 (Ont.) by the Representa tion Commissioner".
Rule 1402(1) provides that a section 28 applica tion shall be decided on a "case" consisting, sub ject to paragraph (2) thereof, of
(a) the order or decision that is the subject of the application and any reasons given therefor,
(b) all papers relevant to the matter that are in the posses sion or control of the tribunal,
(c) a transcript of any verbal testimony given during the hearing, if any, giving rise to the order or decision that is the subject of the application,
(d) any affidavits, documentary exhibits or other documents filed during any such hearing, and
(e) any physical exhibits filed during any such hearing.
Rule 1402(3) reads:
(3) Unless the Court otherwise directs, of its own motion or upon the application of an interested person, the Deputy Attor ney General of Canada or counsel specially appointed to apply on behalf of the tribunal, the tribunal shall, forthwith after receipt of the section 28 originating notice, either
(a) send to the Registry of the Court all the material in the case as defined by paragraph (I), or, if some part thereof is not in its possession or control, the part thereof that is in its possession or control together with a statement of the part of the case not in its possession or control, or
(b) prepare copies of the material referred to in subpara- graph (a) that is in its possession or control, except the physical exhibits, duly arranged in sets and duly certified by an appropriate officer to be correct, and send 4 copies of each set to the Registry of the Court together with the physical exhibits if any and a statement of the part of the
case not in its possession or control, and send one copy of the copies and such statement to each of the interested persons.
This application is made under Rule 1402(2), which reads:
(2) Within 10 days of filing the section 28 originating notice, in the case of the applicant, and within 10 days of being served with that originating notice, in the case of any other person, an application in writing, made in accordance with Rule 324, may be made to vary the contents of the case as fixed by paragraph (1 ).
It would appear from a review of the Court's file that the Commission whose "Report" is the sub ject matter of the section 28 application has ceased to exist. That Commission cannot, therefore, be the source of the "material in the case" as defined by Rule 1402(1), or of "copies" of that material, as contemplated by Rule 1402(3).
By letter dated June 11, 1976, the solicitors for the "Respondents" wrote a letter to the Adminis trator of the Court reading as follows:
Further to your letter of May 25th, 1976 in the above- referenced matter addressed to Mr. J. L. Roy, I am forwarding to you four copies of the following documents pursuant to Rule 1402(1) and (3) of the Federal Court Rules:
1. The Canada Gazette Part 1, Extra No. 44 Volume 109 dated at Ottawa on Tuesday, August 19, 1975;
2. Transcripts of Testimony given during the hearings of the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario;
3. Report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario, 1976, dated February 27, 1976;
4. Letter dated February 27, 1976 from the Representation Commissioner to the Speaker of the House of Commons forwarding to him a certified copy of the report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario, 1976;
5. Letter dated April 12, 1976 from the Speaker of the House of Commons referring back the report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario, 1976 to the Representation Commissioner;
6. Amended report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario, dated May 12, 1976;
It is not evident how the "Commission" named as a respondent can be represented by solicitors if, indeed, it has ceased to exist.
7. Letter dated May 13, 1976 from the Representation Commissioner to the Speaker of the House of Commons returning to him a certified copy of the report of the Elector al Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario and amendments thereto.
We are also enclosing herewith a certification of the above- mentioned copies from the administrator of the Representation Commissioner. I trust this is all that you require. If we can be of any further assistance, please let me know.
A letter dated June 22, 1976, addressed to the Court on letterhead entitled "Office of the Representation Commissioner" and signed by Mr. J. L. Roy, as "Administrator", reads as follows:
Transmitted herewith are photocopies of the following docu ments in sextuplicate:
1. The Canada Gazette Part 1, Extra No. 7, Volume 109 dated February 28, 1975, containing the appointment of members to Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions.
2. House of Commons Debates: March 26, 1976: Pages 12204 and 12205.
3. House of Commons Debates: April 1, 1976: Pages 12389, 90 and 91.
4. House of Commons Debates: April 2, 1976: Pages 12411 and 12.
5. House of Commons Debates: April 5, 1976: Pages 12446 to 12493 incl.
6. House of Commons Debates: April 6, 1976: Pages 12516 to 12533 incl.
I certify that the documents listed above are to the best of my knowledge true and correct copies of the original documents.
There is a further letter to the Administrator of the Court from the solicitors for the "Respond- ents", bearing date June 23, 1976, which reads:
Further to my letter of June 11, 1976 I am forwarding to you four copies of the following documents which counsel for the applicants and ourselves have agreed should also be included in the record of the above-referenced proceeding:
1. The Canada Gazette Part 1, Extra No. 7, Volume 109 dated at Ottawa on February 28, 1975 containing the procla mation establishing the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario;
2. House of Commons Debates for Friday, March 26, 1976, pages 12204 and 12205;
3. House of Commons Debates for April 1, 1976, pages 12389 to 12391;
4. House of Commons Debates for April 2, 1976 pages 12411 and 12412;
5. House of Commons Debates for April 5, 1976, pages 12446 to 12493;
6. House of Commons Debates for April 6, 1976, pages 12516 to 12533.
We are also enclosing herewith a certification of the above- mentioned copies from the Administrator of the Representation Commissioner.
(There are on the Court file documents that appear to correspond to the material referred to in the aforesaid letters but there is nothing, as far as I can see, to establish or indicate that such docu ments are what they appear to be.)
The notice of motion now under consideration was filed on June 30 last and reads, in part:
TAKE NOTICE THAT an application will be made by the parties herein jointly, under the provisions of Rule 324, to have the Record in this Motion comprise the material set out in the Consent to Contents of Record filed herewith.
The notice of motion is signed by solicitors for the applicant and the "Respondents" and is based on a consent, also signed by them, the body of which reads:
The parties, by their solicitors, hereby Consent to the follow ing Contents of the Record for this action:
1. Proclamation dated February 28, 1975, establishing the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario.
2. Document published as Canada Gazette Extra No. 44, dated Tuesday, August 19, 1975, and as advertisement in various newspapers.
3. Record of Submissions made to the Electoral Boundaries Commission of the Province of Ontario at Public Sittings of the Commission.
4. Document entitled "Report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario 1976", issued on or about February 27, 1976.
5. Letter dated February 27, 1976 from the Representation Commissioner to the Speaker of the House of Commons forwarding to him a certified copy of the report of the Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario, 1976.
6. House of Commons Debates for Friday, March 26, 1976, pages 12204 and 12205.
7. House of Commons Debates for April 1, 1976, pages 12389 to 12391.
8. House of Commons Debates for April 2, 1976, pages 12411 and 12412.
9. House of Commons Debates for April 5, 1976, pages 12446 to 12493.
10. House of Commons Debates for April 6, 1976, pages 12516 to 12533.
11. Letter dated April 12, 1976 from the Speaker of the House of Commons to the Representation Commissioner.
12. Letter dated May 13, 1976 from the Representation Commissioner to the Speaker of the House of Commons.
13. Document entitled "Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario" dated May 12, 1976, and comprising a minority report dated May 10, 1976.
Ordinarily, a consent order will be made by the Court, as such, without inquiry into the merits. In this case, however, there are two aspects of the matter concerning which, as it seems to me, the Court requires supporting material, viz:
(a) as the section 28 application concerns a "Report" of apparent public importance, the Court should be satisfied that all persons who are entitled to be parties in the proceeding are parties to the consent or have been given an opportunity to be represented in the proceeding and have not taken advantage of the opportunity, 2 and
(b) as the Commission that made the "Report" under attack is apparently non-existent, and cannot, therefore, provide the usual authentica tion for the material constituting the case, the Court should have assurance that the "Case" to be determined by the order will consist of docu ments that have been properly authenticated.
Both of these matters, in my view, call for support ing affidavits under Rule 319(2); and I should have thought that the various items in the consent should refer to material duly authenticated and filed as exhibits to such an affidavit or otherwise placed before the Court in some manner contem plated by the Rules. (I do not know by what authority the material referred to above was placed on the Court file; and, if it is desired to withdraw it so that it may be used as exhibits to supporting affidavits, leave for such withdrawal is hereby granted.)
I should also say that I am not familiar with the statutory law underlying the "Report" that is the subject of the section 28 application, and that counsel, in presenting this application, have not filed any explanatory letter with reference to what
2 This would ordinarily require a supporting affidavit as to the nature of the proceedings giving rise to the Report attacked, as to the persons who participated therein and as to service of the section 28 application.
is involved. This may not be required by Rule 324 where there is a consent that is obviously ade quate, but, in this instance, it would have been helpful.
The application referred to in the beginning of these reasons is dismissed with leave to re-apply.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.